
  At the time of your inspection you will receive a copy of “How to Operate Your Home” by Tom Feiza. The book is an exceptional 300 page guide to the operation and maintenance of your home. It contains more than 600 illustrations and features tips for homeowners to help improve and maintain the value and safety of your home. The book is a $29.95 value and is included with each full home inspection that we perform.

(Fees based on TOTAL square footage)

Single Family Homes
Up to 1,800 square feet $400
1,801 – 2,300 square feet $430
2,301 – 3,000 square feet $460
3,001 – 4,000 square feet $490
4,001 – 4,500 square feet $540
4,501 – 5,000 square feet $580
5,000+ square feet Quote
Travel surcharge may apply.
Other Inspections/Additional Fees
Foreclosure/Bank-owned/Short sale/Corporate-owned properties
Add $40 to base fee listed above (these properties typically require more scheduling, inspection and report-writing time)
Add $120 to base fee listed above (typically multiple heating plants, electrical services, and/or water heating systems)
Sewer Line Camera Inspection
Chimney Camera Inspection
   Each additional flue
Radon measurement
Wisconsin Rates
$150 with a home inspection
$180 without a home inspection
Minnesota rate
Travel surcharge may apply.